Leadership Development and its Challenges in a time of Complexity

There have been many articles written recently about Leadership Development, and with good reason. Leadership development is the process by which companies first identify individuals within their organizations who have the potential for leadership, and then provide them with the resources and training they need to grow into those positions and have a positive long-term impact on the organization. Done well, Leadership Development can have a multitude of positive effects on an organization’s performance, [...]

Leadership Development and its Challenges in a time of Complexity2020-03-27T12:13:01-04:00

Is Your Leader an Adult?

Most of us have had the painful experience of working for a leader who seemed a little less ‘mature’. Perhaps the greatest rendition of this is Steve Carell’s character on The Office “Michael Scott.” Although he means well, his grandiosity and insecurities are a comical barrier to productivity and effectiveness for the employees of Dunder Mifflin. There may have been a time in the past when the maturity level of a leader was not [...]

Is Your Leader an Adult?2020-03-27T12:13:50-04:00

When People Don’t Like Each Other

It’s basic human nature.  We’re drawn to some people more than others.  It should be easy to figure out why this is but it’s not.  I’m talking about the chemistry that exists, or not, between  individuals.  Sometimes it’s there and people click.  Sometimes it’s not and people just don’t get along.  When this happens in our personal lives, we can make a choice as to whether or not we want to spend time with [...]

When People Don’t Like Each Other2020-03-27T12:14:21-04:00

5 Reasons Why Everyone Hates Working at Your Company

We are in the midst of a transformation. The paradigms in which businesses and leaders have operated for the past four decades are being dismantled and giving way to a new and more effective mode of operating: Agile. Let’s take a look at why Agile principles work so well: 1. People hate secrets. What happens in the old structure of hierarchies and siloes is a lot of secrecy, “need to know”, politics, etc. It’s common [...]

5 Reasons Why Everyone Hates Working at Your Company2020-03-27T12:28:18-04:00

Understanding Empathy

“Face to face conversation is the most human and humanizing thing we do. Fully present to one another, we learn to listen. It’s where we develop the capacity for empathy,” shares Sherry Turkle in her Book Reclaiming Conversation: The Power of Talk in a Digital Age. Our son’s school sends out a bi-weekly newsletter. Each week the students work on their community and character building campaign. This past week they discussed and practiced empathy. The students [...]

Understanding Empathy2020-03-27T12:28:40-04:00