“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.”
— Mark Twain
We wish it was that easy! Trying to find out who we are, and what our purpose is in life is just not that easy. For most of us life is an uneven journey with twists and the unexpected. A journey of finding out about what we want, what we are good at, and what is important to us. Depending on where we are in life, different things will matter differently. Our perspective will change depending on the experiences, successes and failures we have and don’t have.
So how do we navigate effectively? How do we determine our purpose in career, leadership and in life? This is a big topic which I will further address in the future, but here is a short list of 10 important reminders as we reflect on our quest to find purpose:
- Be curious
- Don’t set limitations, challenge yourself
- Be OK to fail and learn
- Be resilient, accept change
- What are you passionate about
- Understand and accept yourself and others
- Be humble, authentic and care
- Be happy
- Learn from others
- Admit when you don’t know and when you made a mistake
How can you tell if you’ve found your purpose?
About the Author Chuck Mollor
About MCG Partners
MCG Partners a woman-owned, Greater Boston-based consultancy specializing in executive coaching, leadership development, talent management, and organizational development solutions. We help businesses optimize success through the entire management life-cycle. MCG Partners is also a Predictive Index® (PI®) certified partner.
To learn more about MCG Partners’ services or The Predictive Index®, contact John Griffith at john.griffith@mcgpartners.com or visit mcgpartners.com.