Tailor Your Management Style for Higher Retention and Engagement

Effective management is a critical aspect of retaining and engaging employees, particularly in today's tight labor market. The Great Resignation may be over but even employees who stay aren’t necessarily engaged or productive. A one-size-fits-all management style doesn't work either. To get the most from employees, managers must focus on understanding and customizing their approach for each individual.In many organizations, individual contributors who excel in their jobs are often promoted to management. That’s great but [...]

Tailor Your Management Style for Higher Retention and Engagement2023-11-13T15:47:52-05:00

What about your Purpose?

Trying to find out who we are and what our purpose in life are not easy tasks. For most of us, life is an uneven journey with unexpected twists, turns, and side roads; a journey of discovering what’s important to us. Depending on where we are in life, priorities will vary, and our perspective will change with the experiences, successes, and failures we have or do not have. As we reflect on our quest [...]

What about your Purpose?2021-03-07T09:18:36-05:00

Announcing the Launch of our Newly Designed Website

We are excited to announce the launch of MCG Partners newly designed website-www.mcgpartners.com! Our goal with this new designed website is create a user-friendly experience for our trusted and valued customers and business partners. The updated site includes changes to navigation, with a better user experience for both mobile and desktop versions. We’ve also improved the structure, so you’ll find more easily what you are looking for. There are many smaller but important changes [...]

Announcing the Launch of our Newly Designed Website2020-03-27T12:25:43-04:00

Your Employees are Different, Why Aren’t Your Onboarding Plans?

You did it! You screened hundreds of resumes, compared behavioral data and sat through so many interviews you lost count, but it was all worth it. You hired the perfect candidate for the position and now it’s your time to sit back and let them get to work! Well, not exactly… even the most perfect of candidates can end up as another turn-over statistic without a proper onboarding plan and it happens more often than [...]

Your Employees are Different, Why Aren’t Your Onboarding Plans?2020-03-27T12:28:54-04:00

Dealing with Disappointment

Parents with school age children understand it’s “spring sport” time. This is a process that happens throughout the year as the seasons change. Tryouts. Teams. Excitement. Disappointment. It can be difficult for a child not to make a team or not get the position they hoped for. It can be difficult for a loved one to help that child when they feel hurt. However, we should view this as an [...]

Dealing with Disappointment2020-03-27T12:29:15-04:00