Onboarding: Accelerating Your Most Valuable Assets—Your People

It’s a new year and many companies are looking at open positions, talent management and succession planning. One area that we see clients struggle with is having a comprehensive onboarding approach.  Typically, companies invest heavily in their process upfront to attract and recruit talent but when it comes to having a dedicated and comprehensive effort to onboard these employees to their new roles there is often a lack of attention.What do most employees want?When we [...]

Onboarding: Accelerating Your Most Valuable Assets—Your People2020-03-27T12:40:57-04:00

Today’s Global Leadership Challenges

Business is changing faster than ever before - at such a pace and on a global scale that many companies struggle on how to respond. A major concern for most organizations is their workforce and how they manage this pace and scale of change and the complexities that it brings. We are moving into a time where many organizations will have five generations working side-by-side. The needs, desires and motivations of these generations vary and [...]

Today’s Global Leadership Challenges2020-03-27T12:42:12-04:00

Listening to Your Internal GPS

“Believe nothing no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and common sense.” ~Buddha I have an awful sense of direction.  Honestly, I need to rely on Waze to go anywhere that is not part of my regular commute or daily life.  I love that app because I know when listening to it (most times), that I will get [...]

Listening to Your Internal GPS2020-03-27T12:45:05-04:00


As we are in the final stretch of 2016 it’s the perfect time of year to reflect at what we’ve enjoyed, accomplished, endured, and never got to; and of our decisions, mistakes and failures. It’s also a time to look ahead for what a new year can bring. But should we be looking at past, present and future goals only once a year?I believe the aversion to this is the time we allocate in reflecting and [...]


Increasing Energy and Productivity Through Gratitude

Thanksgiving is quickly approaching, a holiday whose origin was based upon giving thanks, expressing gratitude and sharing with others. This is often the time of year that we are reminded to be thankful and express gratitude. However, I would recommend that expressing should not just be limited to the third Thursday of November but we embrace doing so 365 days a year for a couple of reasons: Improved Health, Well-Being & Productivity Expressing gratitude makes [...]

Increasing Energy and Productivity Through Gratitude2020-03-27T12:32:49-04:00

What is Your Purpose?

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.” — Mark Twain We wish it was that easy! Trying to find out who we are, and what our purpose is in life is just not that easy. For most of us life is an uneven journey with twists and the unexpected. A journey of finding out about what we want, what we [...]

What is Your Purpose?2020-03-27T12:33:02-04:00

Beware The Time Change Or Not!

Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 6th.  Halloween will be over, the holidays imminent, and snow is around the corner. For many the time change signals the start of a long, dark winter. This year why not take the scare out of the time change and turn it into an opportunity.  In the spring we “spring forward” and clean out our closets, clear out the garage, wash the windows, etc.  This fall adopt [...]

Beware The Time Change Or Not!2020-03-27T12:34:22-04:00

The Power of Self-Awareness

On a daily basis we are all placed in countless situations that require us to behave a certain way. As we mature, we receive both positive and negative feedback that helps shape who we are, but how do we know if the behaviors we are naturally drawn to are helping us to achieve our goals or somehow getting in our way? The answer is simple, self-awareness. Self-awareness is a powerful gift that allows us [...]

The Power of Self-Awareness2020-03-27T12:34:44-04:00

The Best Leaders Are Vulnerable?

“Agility is perhaps the most critical ability, mindset and skill needed today.” Vulnerable is defined as, capable of being physically or emotionally wounded1. The business definition of vulnerability states - the degree to which people, property, resources, systems, and cultural, economic, environmental, and social activity is susceptible to harm, degradation, or destruction on being exposed to a hostile agent or factor.2 A well-known and respected author, researcher and presenter on vulnerability is Brene Brown, who [...]

The Best Leaders Are Vulnerable?2020-03-27T12:37:47-04:00

Cheryl Jacobs to Speak at AIA HR Roundtable Conference

Cheryl Jacobs, Senior VP, Executive Coach, and Leadership Developer & Facilitator of MCG Partners will present at the American Institute for Architects (AIA) HR Roundtable conference in Boston, MA on October 6, 2016.   […]

Cheryl Jacobs to Speak at AIA HR Roundtable Conference2020-03-27T12:38:30-04:00