Coaching Case Study

Client: Fortune 500 Technology Firm. The Need: President of largest business unit accounting for over half of firm’s sales and profit. Incredible external presence in market and with clients; track-record of substantial results, execution and growth; great subject-matter expertise. A very intimidating, assertive, demanding, competitive and hands-on style that impacted the ability to attract and retain current and future leaders, including the need to add talent to assist in the innovation of new products, technologies [...]

Coaching Case Study2018-05-16T20:11:19-04:00

NEHRA’s Beyond the Basics Program- Building Communication Skills for the Future

NEHRA (Northeast Human Resource Association) recently launched a six-week development program designed with the experienced HR professional in mind. NEHRA’s Beyond the Basics program assists attendees in the transition from technical/content expert to HR leader/Business Partner. Cheryl Jacobs from MCG Partners delivered a tailored program on Effective Communication, specifically designed for NEHRA, on April 4th.  This program helped attendees recognize their own communication style, understand the styles and preferences of others, and built targeted steps on how to [...]

NEHRA’s Beyond the Basics Program- Building Communication Skills for the Future2018-05-16T20:11:19-04:00

Talent management agendas, here are FIVE trends companies all over the globe and across industries are focusing on

With my terrific colleague, Dr. Todd Harris: We’re just several months into 2012 and many of MCG Partners’ clients are already deep into tackling their strategic initiatives for the year. In terms of their talent management agendas, here are FIVE trends companies all over the globe and across industries are focusing on: […]

Talent management agendas, here are FIVE trends companies all over the globe and across industries are focusing on2018-05-16T20:11:19-04:00