Announcing the Launch of our Newly Designed Website

We are excited to announce the launch of MCG Partners newly designed! Our goal with this new designed website is create a user-friendly experience for our trusted and valued customers and business partners. The updated site includes changes to navigation, with a better user experience for both mobile and desktop versions. We’ve also improved the structure, so you’ll find more easily what you are looking for. There are many smaller but important changes [...]

Announcing the Launch of our Newly Designed Website2020-03-27T12:25:43-04:00

5 Reasons Why Everyone Hates Working at Your Company

We are in the midst of a transformation. The paradigms in which businesses and leaders have operated for the past four decades are being dismantled and giving way to a new and more effective mode of operating: Agile. Let’s take a look at why Agile principles work so well: 1. People hate secrets. What happens in the old structure of hierarchies and siloes is a lot of secrecy, “need to know”, politics, etc. It’s common [...]

5 Reasons Why Everyone Hates Working at Your Company2020-03-27T12:28:18-04:00