The Art of Failing

The art of failing can be as nimble as catching your balance on an unstable bike or as elegant as improvising a performance while blanking on stage. Failure is part of life but many of us are wired to approach and deal with failure and change differently. One’s ability to deal with risk and change are measurable behaviors. Some of us naturally are risk takers, shoot from the hip, and with no interest or attention to [...]

The Art of Failing2020-03-27T13:00:50-04:00

Objective or Purpose?

Obsessing on your objective or goal – may cause you to forget your mission or purpose. In the movie The Bridge on the River Kwai , the main character, Colonel Nicholson, is a prisoner of war in Burma who leads his men to build a bridge for his Japanese captors. Nicholson is an officer of high integrity, dedicated to excellence, a great leader of people – and thus well trained to complete any mission that [...]

Objective or Purpose?2018-05-16T20:10:50-04:00

Where Have All The Good Candidates Gone?

Where Have All The Good Candidates Gone? The role of assessment and digital branding in hiring the right employees Join us on Tuesday June 4 for: “Digital Branding and Talent Assessment: Two Sides of the Same Strategy” Topics covered: MCG: Candidate Assessment TMP: The Role of Technology & Branding in Selection Finding talent in today’s mobile, digital, and social environment is challenging enough, but finding talent in a way that leads to more effective attraction, increased productivity, [...]

Where Have All The Good Candidates Gone?2018-05-16T20:10:50-04:00

Aligning the employee and organization- from hiring to onboarding to development to succession

Cheryl Jacobs to speak at the virtual conference  – Integrated Talent Management webinar on June 19, 1:30 – 2:30 pm EST. Cost: Free, membership to required (cost for membership “Free”) Click here to register The importance of the right match between candidate and employee is well documented. According to a 2012? Study by IDC Marketscape, a global market intelligence firm, employees cost businesses an estimated $37 billion every year because as hard as [...]

Aligning the employee and organization- from hiring to onboarding to development to succession2018-05-16T20:10:50-04:00

Executive Coaching: An Individually Tailored Leadership Development Program

Start-ups, non-profits, small & mid-sized companies and the Fortune 500 continue to use executive coaching to develop their leaders. The challenges – when to use coaching?  how to determine expectations and measure impact? What criteria should be used in selecting a coach? who to provide coaching to? Hopefully the following can shed some light on what I have seen in the last 30 years and what we have experienced in the last few: [...]

Executive Coaching: An Individually Tailored Leadership Development Program2018-05-16T20:10:50-04:00

Managing the Challenges Of the New Virtual Workforce

The Use of Personality Data to Build and Develop High Performing Virtual Teams Overview A company’s workforce has always been its most valuable asset and typically its biggest expense. Attracting and retaining the right talent continues to be a foremost concern for managers. Today, however, many workforce’s operate in a virtual environment. The increase of the virtual team has had a significant impact on managers, who must reconsider traditional management strategies on how to meet the unique challenges [...]

Managing the Challenges Of the New Virtual Workforce2018-05-16T20:10:50-04:00

Chuck Mollor to speak at the 2013 Maine HR Convention

Chuck Mollor Executive Coach & Managing Partner - MCG Partners will be speaking on Human Capital Analytics "Purpose, People, Performance!" Getting talent management right is key to the strategic success of your organization. Starting with a creative, audience connector, Chuck Mollor (MCG Partners in Bridgewater, Massachusetts) will help you: 1) understand key talent measurements that impact business performance; 2) define measurable job expectations; 3) use analytics to enhance leadership behaviors; and 4) employ analytics to [...]

Chuck Mollor to speak at the 2013 Maine HR Convention2018-05-16T20:10:51-04:00

Four Steps to Increase Your Sales

Sales professionals believe they are focused on the customer.  Often they are focused on something else, or in the rush to close the deal, they prefer communicating product knowledge or convincing the customer to buy.  Being customer focused means putting being 100% present for the customer. The following 4 steps will help sales pros focus on the customer and prevent the rush to move to present or close: Step #1: Use Research as a Platform [...]

Four Steps to Increase Your Sales2018-05-16T20:10:51-04:00

Get On-Board! One Day Non-Profit Board Training

Get On Board, a one-day boot-camp, prepares business professionals like you for the rewarding experience of volunteerism, nonprofit leadership, and board participation. This Saturday, December 1st, this excellent and inexpensive one-day program (9:30-3:30) is for anyone interested in learning what it’s like to serve on a not-for-profit board or who is currently on a board but has never received board training. You can also be placed on a non-profit board as well! This fun and [...]

Get On-Board! One Day Non-Profit Board Training2018-05-16T20:10:51-04:00