About Chuck Mollor

Chuck Mollor (also goes by Charlie) is founder, CEO, executive coach, and advisor at MCG Partners. He is the author of his new and best-selling book, The Rise of The Agile Leader. Can You Make the Shift?. MCG specializes in leadership and talent optimization, aligning business and people strategy for maximum results.

Deciding Your Sales Approach

Companies and therefore sales managers are continually challenged with driving exceptional results at the same time they lead, manage, train, review, and motivate their people – the company’s biggest investment. To stay ahead most sales managers are interested in keeping up to date on the latest trends, advice from sales guru’s, and considering different approaches to the business. In LinkedIn there are over 19,000 sales groups offering advice, generating articles, blog material and comments. Two [...]

Deciding Your Sales Approach2018-05-16T20:10:52-04:00

6th Cure for Cancer Charity Golf Classic Monday July 16, 2012

Everyone has a story. Some are cancer patients, some survivors. Some are doing it for family or friends. Some are just doing it. Please join us on Monday, July 16th at one of New England’s finest private golf courses, LeBaron Hills Country Club, Lakeville, MA www.lebaronhills.com, for this worthy cause. To register, to become a sponsor, or for more information, please contact Adrienne Kravitz at 508-279-0400 or [email protected]

6th Cure for Cancer Charity Golf Classic Monday July 16, 20122018-05-16T20:10:52-04:00

Experiences that Influence You

In Leadership we often focus on natural characterstics and behaviors, and how one leverages these strengths to be successful and how they represent one’s leadership style.  An aspect that is often overlooked is the experiences we have had in our life, often dramatic, that shape our views and motivations. Experiences that can be significant failures, negative, or successes and positive experiences. This morning my wife’s grandmother passed away. She was 97.  A mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, she was [...]

Experiences that Influence You2018-05-16T20:10:52-04:00


May 14, 2012, Boston, MA – MCG Partners, a premier provider of executive coaching, leadership development, talent management, and sales improvement solutions, continues to grow its highly experienced team of professionals. MCG Partners announced today that Bill House of Amesbury, MA, has joined the firm as Senior Vice President.  Mr. House is a seasoned sales executive with over 25 years of extensive sales and sales management experience with an impressive track record of developing and [...]


Case Study: Fundamentals of Management- Building Critical Skills for Managers

Whether an individual is a new manager or managing a new group of people, there are certain skills that help him/her make a successful transition.  Many of those skills, such as managing conflict and effective communication, are common among companies.  However, each company will have other unique needs based on their culture, business, and overall performance expectations. Working with a client, a leader in their industry, MCG Partners and Cheryl Jacobs developed and customized a training [...]

Case Study: Fundamentals of Management- Building Critical Skills for Managers2018-05-16T20:11:18-04:00

Sales Improvement Case Study

Top Performing versus Non-Performing Sales Representatives – Benchmarking Performance A leading financial services company asked us to help them improve the hiring and development for their sales organization and to see if there was a significant and measurable difference between top and non sales performers. […]

Sales Improvement Case Study2018-05-16T20:11:19-04:00


MCG Partners is pleased to announce the following: Angela Conefrey has joined the firm as Client Coordinator. Angela handles the coordination and execution of MCG's marketing programs and speaking events. Angela also provides support to clients and consultants. "We are very pleased to have Angela join our organization. Her ability to build strong relationships combined with her attention to detail will make her an asset to our clients," said Chuck Mollor, MCG Partners' Managing Partner.


Coaching Case Study

Client: Fortune 500 Technology Firm. The Need: President of largest business unit accounting for over half of firm’s sales and profit. Incredible external presence in market and with clients; track-record of substantial results, execution and growth; great subject-matter expertise. A very intimidating, assertive, demanding, competitive and hands-on style that impacted the ability to attract and retain current and future leaders, including the need to add talent to assist in the innovation of new products, technologies [...]

Coaching Case Study2018-05-16T20:11:19-04:00

NEHRA’s Beyond the Basics Program- Building Communication Skills for the Future

NEHRA (Northeast Human Resource Association) recently launched a six-week development program designed with the experienced HR professional in mind. NEHRA’s Beyond the Basics program assists attendees in the transition from technical/content expert to HR leader/Business Partner. Cheryl Jacobs from MCG Partners delivered a tailored program on Effective Communication, specifically designed for NEHRA, on April 4th.  This program helped attendees recognize their own communication style, understand the styles and preferences of others, and built targeted steps on how to [...]

NEHRA’s Beyond the Basics Program- Building Communication Skills for the Future2018-05-16T20:11:19-04:00