Changing Course: The Leadership Shift By Chuck Mollor

Changing Course: The Leadership Shift By Chuck Mollor It happens to all of us at some point in our career. The formula for success we had utilized to date, and the strengths we had leveraged to be successful, need to be modified as we shift to a more senior role or as an organization and its culture evolve. This shift includes: How you budget your time How you prioritize and delegate How you influence [...]

Changing Course: The Leadership Shift By Chuck Mollor2021-05-03T08:39:14-04:00

Executive Presence: What Will Others See and Hear By Chuck Mollor

Executive Presence: What Will Others See and Hear By Chuck Mollor Executive presence is the combination of being able to confidently command a room and interact with others, whether it be with one person, a team, or a broader audience. It’s the ability to stand and confidently lead a meeting, give a presentation or speech or have a successful interaction.  Certain people can develop this presence more easily than others, but ultimately, it’s a skill [...]

Executive Presence: What Will Others See and Hear By Chuck Mollor2021-04-05T12:01:26-04:00

Developing Effective Teams By Chuck Mollor

Developing Effective Teams By Chuck Mollor Great teams are the building blocks of any organization. They have shared goals, clear roles, transparent processes for solving problems and making decisions, and the ability to deal with conflicts constructively. A good team may have some of these elements, but a great team will have them all. There are three key dimensions of great teamwork. The first is alignment on direction. There should be a shared belief [...]

Developing Effective Teams By Chuck Mollor2021-03-29T14:11:46-04:00

Leading the Conversation with Diane Albano, Chief Revenue & Marketing Officer at Globalizations Partners.

Welcome to our podcast hosted by MCG Partners. During our conversations, we feature fast paced market leaders and change makers who share their experiences and wisdoms on how they drive business results while creating winning cultures. This month we are excited to have talked with Diane Albano, Chief Revenue & Marketing Officer at Globalizations Partners. About Diane: Diane Albano has led high-performance sales teams for more than three decades and is recognized for [...]

Leading the Conversation with Diane Albano, Chief Revenue & Marketing Officer at Globalizations Partners.2021-05-07T16:43:08-04:00

What’s on Your Wall?

It is hard to imagine that is has been a year since our world changed as we knew it.  Before COVID, I don’t recall conversations about pandemics, mass vaccines, antigens, closures, limited travel, masks, toilet paper, sanitizer, virtual only, lockdowns and to name a few.  This year has taught us so much about who we are, what we value, what we cannot live without, how we adapt and how strong we are. We asked [...]

What’s on Your Wall?2021-03-12T11:59:26-05:00

Everyone wants to lead or be a part of a Dream Team

Everyone wants to lead or be a part of a Dream Team Many leaders feel stuck managing people issues. Rather than driving results, they’re busy wrestling with conflict and diverse personalities. Meanwhile, performance is poor, the team is frustrated, and the strategy is at risk. Watch how PI’s Team Discovery™ tool can harness the power of data to understand its people. Insights from this tool empower leaders to tap into the team’s natural strengths—and [...]

Everyone wants to lead or be a part of a Dream Team2021-03-10T09:59:03-05:00

My Phone, My Friend, My Foe: Five Day Phone Challenge

By Adrienne Mollor We have all heard of and maybe tried to address habit changing challenges such as the 21 Day Fix, 30-day ab challenge, fit arms in 15 or maybe even used an App to make change.  We track our eating, exercise, sleep and other habits with our smart devices or in journals to better understand our patterns and derailers. This type of personal accountability seems easier with the assistance of a plan [...]

My Phone, My Friend, My Foe: Five Day Phone Challenge2021-03-07T09:11:30-05:00

Do You Engage in Conflict? by Chuck Mollor

The word “conflict” often conjures images of confrontation and anger, but this is often not the case. Disagreements occur in even the most positive and productive work relationships—at least, they should. Conflict itself is neither inherently good nor bad—what is perceived as positive or negative is how the differences are managed and the outcome ensues. There is a phenomenon that we are experiencing in the workforce today, and more broadly in our culture: The [...]

Do You Engage in Conflict? by Chuck Mollor2021-03-07T09:12:16-05:00

Investing in Virtual Relationships

Think of a time when you worked on an incredible team — maybe it’s right now — or on a personal or professional project. What made it great? Some key attributes of an exceptional team are strong leadership, collaboration, communication, respect, clear objectives, and, most importantly, a team that understands and trusts one another. “People fail to get along because they fear each other; they fear each other because they don’t know each other; [...]

Investing in Virtual Relationships2021-03-07T09:14:16-05:00

Where to Start with Your DEI Initiative By Verna Ford

2020 ushered in a new era of organizational interest in diversity, equity, and inclusion. Major American corporations that have long supported DEI work are looking again at their recruiting practices and promotion pipelines to ensure they are reflective of national demographics. In addition to hosting open dialogues with employees about the most compelling issues of the day, these organizations are increasing supplier diversity spend and philanthropic gifts, recognizing their roles as citizens of the [...]

Where to Start with Your DEI Initiative By Verna Ford2021-02-13T09:10:53-05:00