Executive Presence Impact: Preparation, Polish, Performance

Executive Presence Impact: Preparation, Polish, Performance By Cheryl Jacobs Each of us knows “that” person who walks into the room and owns it. What is it that makes them stand out, to cause people to stop and want to be part of what they are sharing? We are familiar with the term executive presence, but it can be an elusive trait to define and achieve. Executive presence is multi-faceted and embodies how you are seen, [...]

Executive Presence Impact: Preparation, Polish, Performance2021-10-18T08:52:23-04:00

Learn more in “Is Your Culture Meeting Your Employee’s and Organization’s Needs?” at HRLF’s September 23rd discussion.

The driver of a successful organization is a culture based on a living and demonstrating a shared set of beliefs that are supported by Strategy Structure People Your values and behaviors need to be reflective in how your organization and people hire, onboard, develop, reward and advance everyone in your organization. Learn more in “Is Your Culture Meeting Your Employee’s and Organization’s Needs?” at HRLF’s September 23rd discussion. Register HERE. About MCG Partners MCG [...]

Learn more in “Is Your Culture Meeting Your Employee’s and Organization’s Needs?” at HRLF’s September 23rd discussion.2021-09-01T08:28:47-04:00

Are you RTO (return to office) ready? by Frank Dadah

Are you RTO (return to office) ready? By Frank Dadah As COVID restrictions start to ease and companies make plans to fully reopen, there is a push from employees to either stay fully remote or for the organization to adopt a hybrid work model. Leaders and Executives are trying to balance flexibility for their employees with meeting the demands of their business. Two themes have emerged when trying to construct a viable hybrid work [...]

Are you RTO (return to office) ready? by Frank Dadah2021-06-28T10:48:07-04:00

Coffee with Coaches

Listen as Chuck Mollor joins the Coffee with Coaches podcast to talk about his new book, The Rise of the Agile Leader: Can You Make the Shift? Chuck Mollor – How to Stay Relevant | Coffee with Coaches |  About MCG Partners MCG Partners is a leadership and talent optimization firm– aligning your business and people strategy for maximum results. MCG Partners a woman-owned consultancy and is also a Predictive Index® (PI®) certified partner. To [...]

Coffee with Coaches2021-06-03T13:13:28-04:00

5 Drivers of Agile Leadership By Chuck Mollor

5 Drivers of Agile Leadership By Chuck Mollor Considering how quickly market and competitive landscapes are shifting and the world is changing, agile organizations have a distinct advantage over more  traditional organizational structures. Hierarchical, command-and-control approaches are being replaced by dynamically constructed and reconstructed networks of teams. Modern organizations operate less like an assembly plant and more like living organisms— shifting, adopting, adjusting, and evolving. “If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes [...]

5 Drivers of Agile Leadership By Chuck Mollor2021-05-17T11:05:16-04:00

Startup Your People by Paul Moran

Startup Your People By Paul Moran Venture Capital (VC)  is experiencing a fundamental change and evolving to meet the pace of today’s fast-moving markets.  In recent months, deal sizes and valuations have spiked higher than ever; due diligence on startups has evaporated as investors compete to get into hot deals first; venture firms have started investing much more than they normally do;  hyper-fast follow-on rounds are increasingly common; and more non-traditional investors are backing [...]

Startup Your People by Paul Moran2021-05-11T11:07:34-04:00

Changing Course: The Leadership Shift By Chuck Mollor

Changing Course: The Leadership Shift By Chuck Mollor It happens to all of us at some point in our career. The formula for success we had utilized to date, and the strengths we had leveraged to be successful, need to be modified as we shift to a more senior role or as an organization and its culture evolve. This shift includes: How you budget your time How you prioritize and delegate How you influence [...]

Changing Course: The Leadership Shift By Chuck Mollor2021-05-03T08:39:14-04:00

Executive Presence: What Will Others See and Hear By Chuck Mollor

Executive Presence: What Will Others See and Hear By Chuck Mollor Executive presence is the combination of being able to confidently command a room and interact with others, whether it be with one person, a team, or a broader audience. It’s the ability to stand and confidently lead a meeting, give a presentation or speech or have a successful interaction.  Certain people can develop this presence more easily than others, but ultimately, it’s a skill [...]

Executive Presence: What Will Others See and Hear By Chuck Mollor2021-04-05T12:01:26-04:00

Developing Effective Teams By Chuck Mollor

Developing Effective Teams By Chuck Mollor Great teams are the building blocks of any organization. They have shared goals, clear roles, transparent processes for solving problems and making decisions, and the ability to deal with conflicts constructively. A good team may have some of these elements, but a great team will have them all. There are three key dimensions of great teamwork. The first is alignment on direction. There should be a shared belief [...]

Developing Effective Teams By Chuck Mollor2021-03-29T14:11:46-04:00

Leading the Conversation with Diane Albano, Chief Revenue & Marketing Officer at Globalizations Partners.

Welcome to our podcast hosted by MCG Partners. During our conversations, we feature fast paced market leaders and change makers who share their experiences and wisdoms on how they drive business results while creating winning cultures. This month we are excited to have talked with Diane Albano, Chief Revenue & Marketing Officer at Globalizations Partners. About Diane: Diane Albano has led high-performance sales teams for more than three decades and is recognized for [...]

Leading the Conversation with Diane Albano, Chief Revenue & Marketing Officer at Globalizations Partners.2021-05-07T16:43:08-04:00