About Chuck Mollor

Chuck Mollor (also goes by Charlie) is founder, CEO, executive coach, and advisor at MCG Partners. He is the author of his new and best-selling book, The Rise of The Agile Leader. Can You Make the Shift?. MCG specializes in leadership and talent optimization, aligning business and people strategy for maximum results.

Today’s Global Leadership Challenges

Business is changing faster than ever before - at such a pace and on a global scale that many companies struggle on how to respond. A major concern for most organizations is their workforce and how they manage this pace and scale of change and the complexities that it brings. We are moving into a time where many organizations will have five generations working side-by-side. The needs, desires and motivations of these generations vary and [...]

Today’s Global Leadership Challenges2020-03-27T12:42:12-04:00


As we are in the final stretch of 2016 it’s the perfect time of year to reflect at what we’ve enjoyed, accomplished, endured, and never got to; and of our decisions, mistakes and failures. It’s also a time to look ahead for what a new year can bring. But should we be looking at past, present and future goals only once a year?I believe the aversion to this is the time we allocate in reflecting and [...]


What is Your Purpose?

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why.” — Mark Twain We wish it was that easy! Trying to find out who we are, and what our purpose is in life is just not that easy. For most of us life is an uneven journey with twists and the unexpected. A journey of finding out about what we want, what we [...]

What is Your Purpose?2020-03-27T12:33:02-04:00

The Best Leaders Are Vulnerable?

“Agility is perhaps the most critical ability, mindset and skill needed today.” Vulnerable is defined as, capable of being physically or emotionally wounded1. The business definition of vulnerability states - the degree to which people, property, resources, systems, and cultural, economic, environmental, and social activity is susceptible to harm, degradation, or destruction on being exposed to a hostile agent or factor.2 A well-known and respected author, researcher and presenter on vulnerability is Brene Brown, who [...]

The Best Leaders Are Vulnerable?2020-03-27T12:37:47-04:00

Cheryl Jacobs to Speak at AIA HR Roundtable Conference

Cheryl Jacobs, Senior VP, Executive Coach, and Leadership Developer & Facilitator of MCG Partners will present at the American Institute for Architects (AIA) HR Roundtable conference in Boston, MA on October 6, 2016.   […]

Cheryl Jacobs to Speak at AIA HR Roundtable Conference2020-03-27T12:38:30-04:00

MCG Partners is proud to sponsor the 2016 HCI Learning and Leadership Development Conference and the annual NEHRA Conference this September

MCG Partners is proud to be a sponsor of the upcoming HCI Learning and Leadership Development Conference, September 20th – 21st at the Boston Seaport World Trade Center, MA at booth #2 and the NEHRA conference, September 28th – 30th at the Sea Crest Beach Hotel on Cape Cod, MA at booth #54. We are dedicated to the development and success of the Human Resources profession and community, welcome the [...]

MCG Partners is proud to sponsor the 2016 HCI Learning and Leadership Development Conference and the annual NEHRA Conference this September2020-03-27T12:38:56-04:00

Stress and Its Impact – 8 Ways to Manage Stress

We know that living under stressful conditions has emotional and often physical consequences. So why do we have so much trouble taking action to reduce our stress levels and improve our lives? How can we better manage stress and pressure and how it impacts how we make decisions and interact with others? Researchers at Yale University have an answer. They found that stress reduces areas of the brain responsible for [...]

Stress and Its Impact – 8 Ways to Manage Stress2020-03-27T12:39:07-04:00

Reaching Your Gold

When I was a child in the heat of the summer of every 4th year, my grandmother would let us come in from the sweltering heat and watch the Olympics while sitting in front of a fan. We all dreamed of being gymnastics, divers, swimmers, track stars and more. It was a moment of pride to watch the athletes who had dedicated themselves compete for Olympic gold.  All the neighborhood kids [...]

Reaching Your Gold2020-03-27T12:39:19-04:00

From Conscious to Unconscious—How Bias Is Impacting Your Workplace and How to Stop It

When thinking of bias in the workplace, most individuals first think of obvious or classic cases of bias (distinguished by the fact that they are both intentional and conscious). A classic form of bias would be actions taken to intentionally discriminate against individuals because of their race, gender or ethnicity. For example, refusing to hire people because of their race or promote people because of their gender are classic examples, both [...]

From Conscious to Unconscious—How Bias Is Impacting Your Workplace and How to Stop It2020-03-27T12:39:53-04:00

Sleep Deprivation

We have all heard the old adage “You snooze you lose” but as our society is suffering from a sleep deprivation epidemic a truer statement is “if you don’t snooze you lose”. […]

Sleep Deprivation2020-03-27T12:40:16-04:00