Objective or Purpose?

Obsessing on your objective or goal – may cause you to forget your mission or purpose. In the movie The Bridge on the River Kwai , the main character, Colonel Nicholson, is a prisoner of war in Burma who leads his men to build a bridge for his Japanese captors. Nicholson is an officer of high integrity, dedicated to excellence, a great leader of people – and thus well trained to complete any mission that [...]

Objective or Purpose?2018-05-16T20:10:50-04:00

Talent management agendas, here are FIVE trends companies all over the globe and across industries are focusing on

With my terrific colleague, Dr. Todd Harris: We’re just several months into 2012 and many of MCG Partners’ clients are already deep into tackling their strategic initiatives for the year. In terms of their talent management agendas, here are FIVE trends companies all over the globe and across industries are focusing on: […]

Talent management agendas, here are FIVE trends companies all over the globe and across industries are focusing on2018-05-16T20:11:19-04:00