Feedback = Forward Progress

Written by Kellie O'Shea Whether we like it or not, feedback is the key ingredient to our own destiny of self-development.  Some people cannot get enough of it, while others don’t want it at all.  For most of us, we understand the importance of outside perspective to gain a better view of ourselves and put a certain emphasis on self-development through feedback. Feedback is probably the single most important channel to our reaching our maximum [...]

Feedback = Forward Progress2020-03-27T12:50:50-04:00

6 Goal Setting Tips for 2015

Written by Kellie O'Shea 'Tis the season of resolutions; the time of year for over-commitment to unrealistic change; the repeated pledge to fiscal and physical fitness; the foreshadowing frustration of auto-pay gym memberships.  Whether professional goals or personal resolutions, this process is one of the important ways we commit to continuous growth and self-improvement.  These personal promises can sometimes be difficult to chart and navigate.  Below are 6 helpful tips to help you set and [...]

6 Goal Setting Tips for 20152020-03-27T12:56:11-04:00