Four Steps to Increase Your Sales

Sales professionals believe they are focused on the customer.  Often they are focused on something else, or in the rush to close the deal, they prefer communicating product knowledge or convincing the customer to buy.  Being customer focused means putting being 100% present for the customer. The following 4 steps will help sales pros focus on the customer and prevent the rush to move to present or close: Step #1: Use Research as a Platform [...]

Four Steps to Increase Your Sales2018-05-16T20:10:51-04:00

Get On-Board! One Day Non-Profit Board Training

Get On Board, a one-day boot-camp, prepares business professionals like you for the rewarding experience of volunteerism, nonprofit leadership, and board participation. This Saturday, December 1st, this excellent and inexpensive one-day program (9:30-3:30) is for anyone interested in learning what it’s like to serve on a not-for-profit board or who is currently on a board but has never received board training. You can also be placed on a non-profit board as well! This fun and [...]

Get On-Board! One Day Non-Profit Board Training2018-05-16T20:10:51-04:00

Five Key’s to Happiness

As an executive coach, I’ve worked with many leaders, leadership teams, companies and industries, in many parts of the world.  They have achieved a certain level of success, but in my almost 30 years I have noticed one trait that really stands out above the rest. Happiness is the true measure of success. Trying to help others be happy is the highest expression of success, but it’s incredibly difficult if you’re not happy yourself. [...]

Five Key’s to Happiness2020-03-27T13:03:54-04:00


Recently many clients have been asking for input, that the distinction between assertiveness and aggressiveness has become blurred in their workplace.  There are many reasons, but I feel  it’s worthwhile to differentiate between the two and offer suggestions on how to effectively leverage someone that has a more assertive style. […]

5 TIPS FOR BECOMING MORE ASSERTIVE2018-05-16T20:10:52-04:00

Communication Techniques of Effective Professionals and Leaders

You cannot become a great professional or leader without being a great communicator. We were trained in the classroom to focus on grammar, vocabulary, enunciation, delivery, etc. In other words, we were taught to focus on ourselves versus to focus on others. It comes as no great surprise that most leaders spend the  majority of their time in some type of an interpersonal situation. It’s also no great shock that a large number of organizational problems occur as a [...]

Communication Techniques of Effective Professionals and Leaders2018-05-16T20:10:52-04:00

Experiences that Influence You

In Leadership we often focus on natural characterstics and behaviors, and how one leverages these strengths to be successful and how they represent one’s leadership style.  An aspect that is often overlooked is the experiences we have had in our life, often dramatic, that shape our views and motivations. Experiences that can be significant failures, negative, or successes and positive experiences. This morning my wife’s grandmother passed away. She was 97.  A mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, she was [...]

Experiences that Influence You2018-05-16T20:10:52-04:00

Can Leaders Really Change?

Chuck Mollor's  radio-internet show last week did not happen due to technical difficulties. It is now rescheduled for this Thursday at 4pm, the link is below. On Thursday April 12, 2012 Chuck Mollor will be a guest on

Can Leaders Really Change?2018-05-16T20:11:19-04:00

Cheryl Jacobs is Promoted to Senior Vice President at MCG Partners

  Cheryl Jacobs is Promoted to Senior Vice President at MCG Partners April 2, 2012 - A leader in the world of executive coaching, leadership development, talent management, and sales training & development, MCG Partners continues to expand its presence and team in this fast-growing area of need in the marketplace. MCG Partners announced today that Cheryl Jacobs has been promoted to Senior Vice President of the firm. “We are very pleased to recognize Cheryl [...]

Cheryl Jacobs is Promoted to Senior Vice President at MCG Partners2018-05-16T20:11:19-04:00

Creating a Culture of Innovation

In collaboration with my terrific colleague, Dr. Todd Harris: A trucking, public energy utility, and financial services company. What do these clients, from widely different industries and parts of the world have in common? Each has innovation at the top of their corporate agenda. Good business leaders often possess entrepreneurial traits such as innovation, creativity and risk-taking. But they establish corporate cultures and business practices that support and nourish entrepreneurship throughout the enterprise. Every company’s [...]

Creating a Culture of Innovation2018-05-16T20:11:20-04:00