By helping you understand people and their performance.
We use tools like The Predictive Index®* to help businesses tackle challenges big and small through a scientifically-backed understanding of your people. True to our methodology, when you have the best-fitting people in the best-fitting roles, nothing can stop you. Here are a few of the ways that The Predictive Index®* can be useful to business owners and employers.

Hire, Select, and Onboard the Right People
The cost of a bad-hire can equal up to 30% of the annual salary of a position. An accurate fit-gap analysis ensures you will select candidates who are the best fit for the role, work environment, and company culture. It allows managers to determine the best way to coach, train, and properly onboard specific employees so they will hit the ground running.

Engage and Retain Quality Employees
This compounded effect of poor self-awareness leads to poor management, which ultimately results in disengaged employees. Being self-aware, or knowing your native code, is the first step towards ensuring employees are being managed correctly.

Develop Solid and Effective Teams
Celebration of workplace diversity empowers team members to focus on what makes themselves great without being bogged down with awkward interactions and miscommunication. When you understand what’s causing someone to behave a certain way, you are more accepting of your differences and you can focus on the things that really matter; like driving your business.

Identify High Performers and Leaders
The science behind The Predictive Index®* tools we use empowers you to identify high performers and those with potential to be tomorrow’s leaders. You can identify your employee’s natural behaviors and styles, how they engage with others, and how they respond to leadership dynamics. These insights allow you to groom high-potential employees, as well as engage and retain those who contribute the most to your company’s long term success.

*The Predictive Index® is a registered trademark of Predictive Index, LLC and is used here with permission.